Surprise - 70-300mm Canon Lens is Much Better Than Expected

I love surprises, especially if they are like finding a gold nugget, where you thought it was junk.

70-300mm Canon lens (not to the model) is just such a surprise.

In fact, it could be the best kept secrets among photographers . You rarely hear anyone declared the size of a small lens. lens is too modest and plain. Yet when we look deeply, you'll see subtle praises.

Perhaps this is because the lens is not impressive to look at a "real " photographers wanting attention getter on the front of your prized digital SLR.

Perhaps this is because the lens is not impressive to look at a "real " photographers wanting attention getter on the front of your prized digital SLR.


Whatever the reason, 70-300mm Canon lens is well worth taking a look.

The image quality is ranked by some well-respected photographers right up there with the L lens, and that is impressive.

The image quality is ranked by some well-respected photographers right up there with the L lens, and that is impressive.


The image quality is ranked by some well-respected photographers right up there with the L lens, and that is impressive.


The image quality is ranked by some well-respected photographers right up there with the L lens, and that is impressive.


just to see if it even works, he puts on his Canon 5D to take some shots. Relative never got the lens. This customer was so impressed with his performance, said he was too good to waste on the lens to another.

Ken Rockwell has this to say about the Canon 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM lens, "When I first picked up I thought it was a toy - but when I saw a great heavyweight picture quality toys like the light has become a huge benefit ."

Surprises are great when they get like this. You know the old saying, "Do not judge a book by its cover. " The truth about many things, including camera equipment.

Happy shooting!