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image quality
the biggest problem we face with the client supplied image is bad kvalitete.Najveći offenders are reflections caused by direct flash, low-resolution image files, a poor composition. All three of these problems can be easily overcome by simply hiring a professional photographer - and yes, it is a shameless plug. However, if the photo fee are not in the budget there are simple things you can do to overcome these three common pitfalls ...
Flash reflection: Under no circumstances use the built in flash on the camera. Instead, use natural sunlight or a window or go outside. How much should you avoid flash glare, should also avoid harsh sunlight svjetlosti.Najbolje general purpose lighting is outdoors on an overcast day. Another option is to filter harsh sunlight through the thin white sheet or white plexiglass.
low resolution: Photos intended for publication online only be 72 dpi at actual size to be used, and images intended for print should be at least 300 ppi at the intended output size. If you shoot your own photos or hire a photographer, be sure to use the highest resolution available on the camera. In this way, even if the immediate purpose of the website, you will have a high-resolution images should you need them later for printed materials. If the image is low resolution because you downloaded it from the web, there really is nothing you can do to save it. But then again, if you downloaded from the internet, you probably should not be using it in the first place.
Weak Composition: This is a really difficult issue to tackle because there are so many factors that make a good composition - how the objects are in relation to each other, both are positioned in relation to oblikovanjesceni, its position in relation to subject, and focal length lens on fotoaparatu.Jednostavnih truth is that a good composition is education, a keen eye and lots of practice. When in doubt, use a normal lens to avoid distortion and photos of your facility with a 3 / 4 isometric view of the whole subject within the frame.
There are many online tutorials that will help you better pictures, such as.
Figure Suitability
Not all the images images. In fact, the illustrations can often be more effective in telling your story, or even show the technical details of your product. Show your product in use - you can use images to show off the product used to convey the reason for purchase. If humor is appropriate for your message, then your image should be as funny as the title. Your pictures can be instructional in that it can be used to answer common misconceptions about your product or to implement power product compared to competitors. But, just like your paper copy, photos should be honest -. Never deceptive
Image licensing
While the copyright laws can be quite overwhelming, problem solving licensing is actually quite simple: if you do not have a picture or have a written release from the Creator, that should not be used. Period.
What about the stock images?
stock market is fine. When you buy from a reputable stock agencies, it is easy to overcome obstacles # 1 (Quality) and # 2 (Licensing). However, given the nature of the shares, it is almost certain that someone else will use the same image at some point, so it definitely gives up any claim to uniqueness. Another downside to the stock images that can be difficult to find images that are truly appropriate to your needs and will allow you to maintain a consistent style, such as requiring more pictures in the future.
Each ad should not be fancy illustrations or photographs, a powerful, but if yours does not, do not sell it short. Do not just with pictures and they will do just you.
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